Originally Posted by 99SIVTEC
Any idea why all of my users get : Incorrect user name or password. Please try again.
when trying to log in. I can log in via my administrator account with no issues however. I did edit the permissions for the usergoups.
I had the same problem, to fix it, do this.
FTP to your chat folder, and browse to /forum/chat/inc/cmses
delete the file named vbulletin36CMS.php file
look into the original chat folder that you downloaded, and browse to /inc/cmses and upload the file named vbulletin37CMS.php to the /forum/chat/inc/cmses folder, and rename it to vbulletin36CMS.php
Run the installer once again and since it will find your sql tables, just continue, and run through the installer with your settings.
Now go to the admin section of FlashChat, click on Configuration, browse down to the option that shows which CMS to use, and make sure you pick vbulletin3.6
Now go to your Usergroups and make sure the usergroups you want to have access, are set accordinly.
Give the above steps a try and it should work.