Originally Posted by iogames
Well is like the old arguments with Tobacco...
ppl says: I've been smoking my whole life and never got cancer, but the FACT is it lowers the quality of life... Ah! Uh.. Mmmh... Gotcha!
As a pack a day smoker who recently shot up to a two pack a day smoker due to now attending school and staying up later...well I'm screwed. I also go through a two-liter of Pepsi a day at home plus at least four 24 ounce bottles at school. Somehow my teeth still look fine though, only problems in that area are the fact that I need some wisdom teeth pulled. I'm having that done over winter break...it's going to be a
wonderful Christmas
I also eat a lot of pork which I also hear is bad for you. In fact I bet about 80% of the food my family eats everyday is "bad" for us. But hey we live in the south...one of the few places where begin a little fat is considered begin healthy. You know what I think? I think if most people went back to having to grow their own food and catch/raise their own meat we'd all be better off for it.
I knew I was digging myself an early grave years ago. I don't even want to think about all the ways I've abused my body over the years...drugs (and nearly ODing more than once)...questionable women....my "need for speed" which almost got me killed plenty of times. I'm thankful I've slowed down a little, otherwise I probably wouldn't be around today.
Point is; Do whatever the hell you want. Just make sure that you're taking care of yourself and your responsibilities in the process.