Can we work on a small test script that would show the user what useragents are associated with their mobile device? I am going to play with the code and post here if I get a fix but I have one member that this is not working for and they can't help me figure out what the issue is either.
I'll post what I come up with...
That was easier then I expected...
Create a file "test.php" and to that file add:
PHP Code:
echo 'User Agen Test Script.<p>';
echo 'Your user agent: <p>';
When your users access the file their browser says something like:
User Agent Test Script:
Your use agent:
BlackBerry8310/4.2.2Profile/MDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/102
From that, you can add useragents to give access to mobile users!
You can see the test script here: