a great work! it works fine for my mobile users, include iphone & co.
now, some users ask to change the rule, how the detector works. some iphone user (and others) want to visit my board with the original style. i think i can realize taht with the following steps:
1. make a subdomain like mobile.exampleforum.com
2. route the new subdomain (http forwarding at the server) to one of the mobile style url, to let the detector find wich style is prefered (cellular or iphone)
3. if a mobile user want to visit the board with normaly style, he can visit
4. but ... i must find the variable $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] in the normaly style to kill them. because the detector want to route the mobile users to the style.
and 5th: my problem is, i didn't find your variable $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] in the styles. can you give me a tipp please?
and the next problem is, i don't want that the PC users can visit my mobile styles. and i didn't know how i can solve these problem.
i think, i install the add-on but only on my mobile style...
is there any way to solve my wish?
sorry for my bad english ;-)
best regards,