Originally Posted by SirAdrian
Looking after your teeth could include not drinking dark pops... they are like acid to your teeth.
I drink coka cola all time and even drunk plenty of pop when i was a kid and ive got perfect teeth (kk could do with whitewash but who cares

If you look after your teeth and brush them then you will not run into problems like this.
Its not down to the drink its down to the Indiviual who cant be bothered to look after themselfs.
No`s one teeth have gone rotten just because they drank Pop - they decay over time and that means bad cleaniness.
Its like saying the food companies are responsible for making people FAT - people need to learn to `eat to live` and not `live to eat.`
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
You'll be surprised even when brushing what long term effects consistent "fizzy drinking" will have on your teeth, especially on the tooth enamel. Once that wears down, your screwed. In reality, your only prolonging the inevitable.
Facts are facts, with consistent drinking you'll never need to worry about eating breakfast rather enjoying it via a straw.
Same as above - i dont know how your facts stand up - i drink coke constantly and teeth are fine - no problems whatsoever and i go dentist twice a yr for regular checkups and never had any work done on my teeth and i can quite easy drink 6-8 cans of coke cola in a day
Its all down to the indiviual once again - if the person wont take care of themselfs then these problems arise.