My board is suffering - not due to loss of advertising, donations, merchandise - the fact that I live in Australia and websites do not offer an Australian Dollar price its all US Dollar some of the pro addons etc that I wanted/needed for my website have now become unaffordable as
the US Dollar is kinda like 62c, so for every dollar I pay I am losing out on 40c doesnt sound like much but when things are $180 or so your looking at nearly $240AUD.
It have almost brought a stop to the development of my website as affording to buy pro addons is almost unastainable, or even paying for custom work to be done gets too far out of hand - so one thing I am trying to organise is getting custom work done (just basic stuff) and in return putting an advert on my website to the coders website and paying off amounts owing at like $20 - $50 at a time type thing just to cut down on costs with the current market.