Okay, let me get around to addressing these. I'm afraid we have a few problems with some of the requested sites.
Originally Posted by clubbah
They would have worked fine, but they don't offer any kind of permalink. So there's no way to even link back to a video. That's odd for a site to not offer direct links to their videos. (CNN notwithstanding)
Originally Posted by ShiZoPhreN
I'm a little upset with this site. They kind of tricked me. I spent quite a bit of time sorting out the peculiarities in their URL/Embed strings, and finally worked it out, only to find the <iframe> they use for their so called embeds is just a picture of a DIVX player that links to the page the video is on. They are essentially lying that they supply embed code, so I'm none to happy with them right now.
Don't worry. I'll get back to them after I've had a chance to cool off.
Originally Posted by furst
I can support the auto conversion so that links like that will convert to a player, but I do not know how to make the embed behave this way. I suspect it's a bit of javascript built into the YouTube site.
Originally Posted by kevcj
I have one which I'll post shortly, but it will only support media that's actually hosted on Apache Clips. Not anything hosted on another site like YouTube are anything like that.
Originally Posted by silverado350
The problem here is merely the lack of an embed code. Keep an eye out to see if they change this and let me know here.
Originally Posted by katie hunter
And the problem here is also the lack of permalinks for vids. Everything is located on channel pages, but there's no way to extract unique video IDs.