Here is Australia - Halloween isn't a big thing, however I love that time of the year - i love scaring people and watch every scary movie there is and just love it.
This year we had the normal odd couple of kids come around, I always do the house up (and looking forward to Friday March 13 when i throw my major scare night party) and this year the first bunch of kids came while i was still getting ready, trick or treat they said and i grabbed a handful of Weight Watcher bars - (these were older kids dressed in school uniform i wasn't giving them my good stuff)
Once the sun went down and it got darker I was dressed as Dracular and in the front yard i had statues up my walk way, from mummies, to ghosts, hanging people etc and i stood as stll as i could amongst them all.
The funniest point came when a group of kids around 13 came towards my house they were walking up my pathway and they were looking at all the statues, the walked past me looking and i stayed as still as possible just as they were about to look away i jumped from the thing i was standing on with my dracular laugh they screamed and ran off - i didnt see them again - i loved it.