We had a great halloween night. We do the house up every year ready to terrify the locals when they come trick or treating. This year was definitely the best so far and the photos I took of the layout don't do it justice as in the dark it looked very atmospheric. We had "scary" sounds playing, a fog machine letting out bursts of smoke and, as well as random grave stones, bones, rats and a gallows complete with hung woman, we also had two special props. One was a corpse and the other the Grim Reaper - played by my stepson and partner respectively.. The Grim Reaper would slowly turn to follow each person's path down the drive and then speak to them or touch them on the shoulder bringing lets of swearing, yelps, screams and the odd running away. The corpse brought the best response of the night though when one woman brought her kid down, jumped when the Grim Reaper spoke to her, then took loads of photos.. spotted the corpse and exclaimed that she just had to get a picture because it looked so real, bent close to snap a shot and the corpse grabbed her foot. The hysteria that followed was hilarious.
Luckily, we're well know around the area for making an effort on Halloween, so people came down prepared to be scared and everyone seemed to enjoy the show. Problem we have now is topping it next year!