I'm having a problem with a plugin not being processed on the logout page.
The plugin's hook location is global_start, it's execution order is 5, and the code is as follows:
$blah = implode('', file('blah.html'));
$blah is invoked in navbar. The template is completely stock, aside from $blah as follows:
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
<!-- / login form -->
<!-- / breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
It expands blah.html and displays it's contents properly under the login form on forumhome, forumdisplay, showthread and everywhere else that the login form would normally be present, but it does not show up on the page that is displayed when you log out. For what I'm doing, it really needs to show up particularly when you log out and I've tried everything I can think of so I'm hoping somebody here will know why.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!