Hey LoB, you have no idea how much I appreciate your efforts in this. I've just been waiting patiently for 'a' converter to switch over to the new forums.
The user / post converters seem to work well on an empty database so I'm not have the problems the other were.
However a couple of issues are keeping me from making the move permanently:
User Converter: The 'joindate' field is not being populated from ikonboard so all users show up as 1969 or something.
Post Converter: All of the IkonCode and formatting got converted to HTML and forums that don't do HTML show all the HTML tags. No biggie though.
Any idea how to fix these (manually if necessary) ? If either of these prove to be too difficult, I'll understand. After looking and the vBulletin db structure, I bailed on the idea myself (grin)
Thanks again for your hard work