Originally Posted by Chris11987
I still don't see how ChatBox is all that. It's a watered-downed version of somehting that's been around forever, while Tournaments is a great modification that people have been waiting for for years.
Hmmm - could be because Chatboxxes are still one of the most popular online interactive applications and the Cyb Chatbox in particular is an uber-easy install, it's written very well, the settings are easily adjustable via the AdminCP, it's not such a "bulky" upload of tons of files as are other chatbox modifications and a host of other reasons why it is well received by vB.org Members and will win MOTM
ps - and in case you have not installed it to see all the available features, there is nothing "watered-down" about it

-- In fact - I have installed and tested quite a few vBulletin chatboxes - this one by far is the best IMO and the least server intensive AND it's free