Very handy, thanks. A couple of notes about installation. I'm running on 3.7.3 PL1. I moved the files to the proper locations, and imported the XML. However, I had to manually add a cron job in order to get it working. It appears there is install code in the package to install a cron job, but I don't think it worked (at least not on my vb). I could be wrong, but after uploading the .php file and importing the XML, I did not see a scheduled task listed in the cron job section.
For anyone who has the same problem, here is how I setup my cron job (see attached).
Also, I wanted to point out that because the PHP code uses 86,400 (the number of seconds in a full day) as a multiplier when figuring out how old the threads are, you can actually specify something like .5 days if you want to delete/move threads every 12 hours. Or you could use .25 to delete threads every 6 hours for example. I was just about to hack the code to do this, because I needed to remove threads (once a day) that were older than 12 hours. However, since the code uses the # of seconds to figure it out, you can fine tune the time frame using a fractional value for the number of days in the settings. Very handy!
Nice job on the product - I just clicked the "installed" button for you :-)