Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
What is the value of $get_forumid after the database call?
i assume you are asking, what "should" be the value of $get_forumid after the database call, as this exercise is solely intended to ascertain this value (in order that i can use this value in the href). with the present code that i am using i am getting a return value (result) like this... "/forumdisplay.php?f="Resource id #15"> ". the actual value is contained within the "Resource id #15", apparently, and must be "interpreted" in order to use it in php code (or html).
the "real" expected value would be as follows: if i submit (to db) a $pagetitle var which= "Stockport", for example... the query will find a forum which also has a "title" of Stockport, and this would have a "forumid" value of "395". (this is the actual entry in the db)