A couple of question:
Do you have any subscriptions?
Have you set any "auto" subscriptions in ACP?
Does the viewing user have access to the forums you are expecting to see?
As a test would it be possible to do the following:
- Open myforum.php in a text editor.
- Find the following line:
if ($myforum['hasaccess'] && $myforum['includedforumcount'] > 0)
- Immediately before that paste in:
echo "Auto Sub Forums:".$myforum['autoSubbedForums']."<br/>";
echo "User Sub Forums:".$myforum['userSubbedForums']."<br/>";
echo "Included Forums:".$myforum['includedforums']."<br/>";
- Save the file back to the server and goto My Forum.
- Copy the text that appears on screen and paste it back here.
Once you are done remove the added lines and put the original myforum.php back.
You should end up with something that looks like this:
Auto Sub Forums:2,4
User Sub Forums:5
Included Forums:2,4,5