Originally Posted by Hitterman
I am sure you haven't read this:
Important Upgrading instructions♦Please read this to make your hack work♦
I found the problem but the solution is also little weird.
UPgrading instructions: Uninstall the product.
Delete the "youtube" template manually from Styles and manager.
Now upload the new product attached in this post.
After doing this Go to Styles and Manager>>Your style>>and open "youtube" template.
Without doing anything,click on save button.
This will make your hack work. Since i am newbie coder,i really wanted to find out why is this happening.
Now i am sure it is working fine.
And also you are using version 2.0 as it is there in your profile.
I have tried all versions uploaded, varied the permissions and followed the upgrade instructions above. I cannot seem to get this to work on my site, as I get the same results as in my previous posts. Any other suggestions before I give up?