Cry Babies are a nightmare for forums, normally they like to moan, just about everything, sometimes it makes yoiu wonder just why they joined your forum in the first place.
I tend to stop them short in their track before they tend to do too much damage, other members get fed up and may simply not log in for fear of getting drawn into any arguements.
I listen to what they say and if their right then i help them resolve their problem, if they just moan for the sake of moaning then thats where i find the miserable hack a godsend
However i must admit i've not used that in anger as yet, But did you know theres a new kid in town when it comes to crybabies, in your admin CP, under user banning options, Tachy Goes to Coventry....
This option allows you to effectively add a user or users to every member's 'Ignore List'. However, users in this list can still see their own posts and threads... So i'm looking forward to using this.
Now, where can i find some cry babies