Originally Posted by jawatkin
Not sure I understand this... Why have subforums, then? Couldn't something similar be achieved without subforums, requiring prefixes in the forum that are choice "subforum 1" "subforum 2" and "subforum 3"?
I haven't tried this mod yet but I plan on it later tonight. I'll use this are an organizational tool believe it or not. This will bring attention to threads in subforums the average user might not participate in. All this while still providing organization to those who wish to visit the subforum. For example, think of a general forum.. inside that general forum there is a subforum for new members. Most long time members won't waste time in the new members subforum. With this mod they might see a thread title that peeks their interest and in turn will reply. The only concern with this mod I would have is if people would stop using the subforum itself confusing the main forum with it and starting off-forum new threads.
As for prefixes, it might just be me but I hate how vB handles them. The original prefix hacks from previous versions of vB were much better.