Originally Posted by abrecher
Well you're right and wrong. Since I'm using Flashchat 5.0.8 there was no way to set it to use VB as the CMS in the config. As many times as saved it, it always reverted to the default cms. I went ahead and saved the config in Chrome and wohoo! It's all fixed now, thanks.
One thing I did notice, if I go to my own profile within Flashchat I still get that same error.
Does that make any sense to you ?
I was rejoicing a little too quickly. Looks like members are still having this issue. I dug a little deeper and found that the web based config was reporting that it was configured to use VB 3.6.
I went ahead and looked at the DB tables directly and noticed that it was still using the Flashchat CMS!
I then went ahead and uploaded the cnf_values.php file Paul had uploaded within the Flashchat forums, hoping that by using that file I'd be able to set the correct values.
No can do! Every time I try to change it t 3.7 I get a page not found error.
Paul, can you let me know what table and what row and exactly what to edit in the DB directly to update so Flashchat knows I'm using VB 3.7 please ?