Originally Posted by HTMMinion
Got it... sorry I missed that while searching.
The "me/" command still displays nothing in the chatbox, another bug or did I misconfigure something?
If it displays as is with the /me at the beginning of the message then you perhaps haven't activated the command and set the usergroup permisisons of the command (Manage command in acp).
Originally Posted by pedroenf
Sorry but i can't see any error related to the chatbox. Maybe you can www.g6-team.com. If you want i'll give you a test user.
Update: installed IE8 Beta2 and same problem. However i have tried with IE8 Beta2 in XP and no error. Odd!! But i have another "bug", in IE with inactive-mode-on-load there's no inactive-mode message only Loading... And after inactive period still no inactive-mode-message too just a (in my case) black empty screen.
Please yes give me a test account.
Originally Posted by gpc10347
Anyone else find an issue related to "[Minor] Slap user through menu item in a secondary channel are posted in the general channel. However it works correctly when inputing the command manually. "
I find that a Private Message behaves the same way.. (appears in general)
Yes I know that. I corrected it in the next version as I discovered that while doing the bug correction for the slap command
Originally Posted by Greenskull
seeing as you are helping everyone here and I'm not getting a response there, I have a question.
How come so many people have the Loading issue with the Chatbox module for VBAdvanced? Do you know it?
Also, I seem to be getting aroud 10-20 emails a day telling me that the forum experienced an error. The error was related to the chatbox. Odd...
So please help, thanks
Copy the error here please
About vBAdvanced, it seems to depends of the user's configuration but stangger5 is the one who manages that part of the chatbox so I am not very aware of the functionning in vBAdvanced.
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
You could download and check it out? 
... Well yes I could ... But I won't ;-)
Imagine that for every mod a user is using he was asking for compatibility that would take me much much time...
I hardly manage to release the chatbox regularly so I can't check all mods.