Key.... do you have any hacks installed? Also do you have a link to your db to show it?
webhost... Change it back it char(2). It was originally varchar(50) because Pingu was using the country name instead of the code. I changed it in my table from 50 to 2 and didn't notice that it went from varchar to char.
The varchar type saves space in your database, but it doesn't make a difference with less than 4 characters. If you had char(250) instead of varchar(250), you would waste A LOT of space if that field only had something like "This is a test". It's only 14 characters but would be forced to use 250 characters with char(250)! Sorry for the MySQL tutuorial

Actually I noticed that one or 2 of the tables in vbulletin (can't remember which ones) use char() instead of varchar() and their size can get large rather quickly. If you use phpMyAdmin, go in and check the size of your tables vs the number of entries. You'll know which ones are using char() to store the data by their size/entry ratio. USE AT OWN RISK: You may be able to speed up your forums by changing all the char() to varchar(). It will reduce the size of the .ISD and .ISM file for quicker add/replace/searches. It works on my forum fine, but do this at your own risk! Backup the tables you are going to make the changes in first!