Originally Posted by cheat-master30
Can you fix the problem with the noparse tag? It doesn't seem to work in this shoutbox. It just completely ignores this standard vBulletin BB code flat out and formats the text or whatever anyway.
Which noparse tag ??
Originally Posted by feverwilly
I have 3.7.3 patch level one.
I deleted ALL files I uploaded
I uninstall the product
then under usergroup permissions the EVO chat box option is STILL there and I get an error when I try to save these options.
I then went a step further,
I deleted the tables associated with this program. STILL errors.
THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE BEWARE>>> I HAVE WASTED 3 hours of my time deleting and restoring forums.. INSTALLER BEWARE..
Yes please stop saying stupid things like that...
This software ain't beta, it's just you're not following the uninstall instructions correctly.
It's stated in the readme file (yeah I know reading is hard ...) that you have to remove all files and then uninstall the product.
If you're still getting that error it's because you haven't removed all files and especially the ones in the includes/xml directory, which is why you get that error each time you go in your usergroup permissions.
I have written a readme to help others and the instructions are pretty clear. It's up to you to read them correctly (which should be what you always do as a carefully admin).