Originally Posted by feverwilly
I have 3.7.3 patch level one.
I deleted ALL files I uploaded
I uninstall the product
then under usergroup permissions the EVO chat box option is STILL there and I get an error when I try to save these options.
I then went a step further,
I deleted the tables associated with this program. STILL errors.
THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE BEWARE>>> I HAVE WASTED 3 hours of my time deleting and restoring forums.. INSTALLER BEWARE..
Why do you keep saying this is BETA software? Do you even know what that means? BETA means that a product is still in development. Just because one person, meaning you, can't get it to work, doesn't have anything to do with it being BETA or that other users have to beware. All forums are different, and any number of unrelated issues could be creating your problem. I'm sorry, but 3 hours is just not enough dev time to cry beware. Fixing bugs unique to your forum can take weeks, even months if you don't know what to look for.