Originally Posted by adnedarn
It did earlier... I just checked it at 15 (by 20 still no inactivity) and put it to 1 and after 5 still no... I asked everyone in the shout to hold on a few mins and see if it did to them, and no one got the message... After we came back... it was then going inactive at 1min- so I guess you have to type after changing the setting... but then it was doing it in 1 min intervals correctly.
You have to do a full page refresh once the inactive mode has been activated. Otherwise the javascript timeout doesn't start.
Originally Posted by adnedarn
edit: and sometimes my shout goes up 5 times :erm:... But it seems the others can't see them. they only see it once.
What does that mean ?
Originally Posted by Junkie
However, when I click the channel icon and enter some chat, nothing shows up. When I click on the main chat button, all of my chat on that channel doesn't show. I have to do a page refresh for it to reappear. I did search this MOD for help and read through several pages, but I couldn't find anything that specifically explains how to set up channels. Any help on doing this would be greatly appreciated.
This is a reported bug, see the list above. If you collapse expand the chatbox then it seems to work, can you test if that does ?
Originally Posted by jerx
First I told you that bbcode lines and smilies lines expand on page load, if you set "Save the collapsed stae of the BBCODE and smilies lines" to yes. Then I noticed that another pc does not have the same problem. Therefore I have deleted my browser cache and closed the browser. Now with the same setting, the bbcode and smilies lines collapse on page load. So, it now acts the other way around. 
I think you have activated the : show chatbox collapsed by default option.
Originally Posted by jerx
That would be awesome and might even be less painful for you than helping me get it done.  I am afraid it won' t save you much time, but shall I sent you my templates? As I mentioned before, it has two problems:
1. horizontal scrollbar on IE7.
2. bbcode does not line break, so that it stretches the side column, if you uncollapse the bbcode line.
No no that's ok, I'll do a simple one with far less buttons.
Originally Posted by jerx
It is probably not such a bad idea than I first thought. It is really getting harder to find the answers in this thread and it would be nice to get add-ons, buttons, etc at a central place.
Yes but for the moment not a lot of peoples seems to be interested so I think I'll just leave that idea for the moment.
Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
OK I was using the 3.7.1 version of my style while my board was 3.7.3 PL1. Didn't realize it would make that big a difference...
In any case I am now updated to the 3.7.3 version of my style. I am not getting the security token error anymore but now when I type in a message in the chatbox and hit enter, nothing appears in the box. But when I click on the archives box the shouts are showing up. It's doing this in my default style as well. Any ideas? Thanks for the help thus far Andrew :up:
Have u tried refreshing your browser cache and are the chatbox templates ok in your new style ?
Originally Posted by jediteknoman
For some reason I don't see the options to configure to see the Shoutbox under the AdminCP > Usergroup and what usergroup it is. I'm logged on with Administrator rights as it, but I don't know why its not working correctly.
The thing was, it was working fine a couple days back when I uploaded all the files needed and did follow the instructions. Any ideas?
You don't see the usergroup permissions in the admincp, that's what you meant ?