Originally Posted by Goomzee
what i s AME Cp in admincp
If you've installed AME, you'll see you know have an AME CP, which is a new menu in your Admin CP.
Originally Posted by MotMann
What i must do, that swf files will be shown, that i upload? I get only the Link in my atachments.
As mentioned in the first post, this will not embed attachments. You need to post the physical location of the video, complete with it's media extention, like .flv, .wmv, .divx, etc. AME determines what to embed based on those unique identifiers, which is why it won't work with attachements, becasuse they all have the same URL string, like
www.yoursite.com/attachment.php?123456. AME has now way of knowing if if that's a media attachment or a PDF file or a picture, much less which type of video it might be.
Originally Posted by Stagehandspace
Thanks for the addon!
Question 1
I have @ 90 small avi clips hosted on my server and would like to use the mod for them. Is there a avi xml? Other wise I will need to convert them to another format, or is this statement incorrect?
Question 2
I have got the You Tube site working with out any glitches but when trying to get local hosted files to play I have not had any luck. I have attached what I have set all 5 local files to. I have marked up the attached photo with my settings, could someone take a look and see if I have done something incorrect. I have changed the folder that I have the videos in to chmd 777 also
Thanx in Advance!
At one time, I tried making a AVI definition, but never got it working, and figured not too many people would be looking for one, so I abandoned it. You'd probably be better off converting them if you can. I believe DIVX has some tools to do so.
You don't need to do anything to the key, what you havn't done is change
YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE in the Regular Expression. Put your domain name in, just
without the .com or .co.uk or however whatever your domain extention is.