Originally Posted by silverado350
I'll be sure to look it over when I catch up with my backlog.
Originally Posted by aztecboi2003
Daily motion's not working for me. Im using the latest xml that was posted. All I get is the blank white box with the words Daily Motion on top.
I know this was a little while back, but do you still have the problem? I've worked on so many the last month, I don't recall if this is one problem I already addressed for the next udpate. But if it is a definition problem, it's been address for that release.
Originally Posted by sasukewuff
Is there a way around the 30-second music preview from Imeem that you get on the forums or is it just stuck like that and one has to suck it up and deal with it?
Ok, it only does that on certian albums and only on the forums, because when I log in on the site or even click the expandable window, it goes to the full songs within the play list. Is it just an error in the play list coding, or does Imeem hate me?
It depends on the song, most likely. Try to avoid embeding songs that have an expiration date, like from temp playlists (presuming they still do this). Mostly, it's just Imeem's funny coding practices. Although, I do have another update coming for them, so maybe this will address some of your issues.
Originally Posted by katie hunter
I will look it over and let you know for sure.
Originally Posted by jscieza
Yes. I have made the changes as suggested by Digital Jedi and everything appears to be fine now but only with new posts that contains GoEar links. Old posts seems to do not "recognize" the update.
Any ideas? Thanks in advice :up:
I'm not certain, but I believe it depends on your version of AME. I'm trying to answer questions pretty fast since I'm back up here, so I didn't quite look back to what your problem was. But most of the time, changes I've made to definitons have adjusted older posts. There's also of the issue of chached pages, which can depend on your site and on the version of AME your running.
Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
hello DJ.
first off, awsome work  .
secondly, i wanted to ask a few basic things, sorry for my being too illiterate in this field
I have downloaded and installed "The Geek's" AME2.0.2 Mod a few days back.
But the following link doesnt work in it. Meaning, my user posted it and it appeared as a link and not the video clip:
you can refer to the thread where he posted at :
Now I am a bit confused whether AMR2.0.2 provides URL embedding for all the 170 sites he mentioned, or am i supposed to download your mod and install it. Would it workd with the AME2.0.2? or should i first un-install that and then install yours?
I am sorry if i am asking too much obvious questions....but can you help please?
These are the definitions for the AME modification, so you'd have to import these through its built in import system to get support for the 170 sites. AME only comes with a handful of default supported sites to keep it lite. The import system allows for people like me to keep adding support for new sites, without the author having to do it himself and constantly upating, which is why (for the moment) we're way ahead of passiVid in terms of supported sites. Anyone can make a definition if they know what they're doing.
Your trying to use the source URL for Blip. You don't need to do that. Just use the link to the page the video is on, just like you would if you where posting the link to the video otherwise.
Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
OK DJ, i have installed you mod and rebuild the posts, but the url still doesnt show video 
I am on vb3.7.3
following is the link to the thread where i am trying to post the video:
what is the reason?
Also, i wanted to know that i have installed the MAster file.
do i need to separately install the other zip folders too?
please advice..
Master XML is if you want to install all the supported definitions at one time.
ZIP File is for those who want to pick and choose which sites to add.
Local Hosted is a seperate Zip file for video your hosting on your personal site.