I have for many years been adding content o my site manually by coding in dreamweaver. I have been looking for a solution that will help me manage the content of the site, so it's easy to post news pieces, or blogs, as well as make it easy for other people to post.
I have been using Vbulletin for a couple of years, and recently I have installed Vbadvanced. I thought that Vba would be the solution since they call it a CMPS. To be honest, doesn't feel like a real content management system. But I like being able to have a home page with the different modules.
So, here is the question:
How can I integrate a home page such as the one from VBadvanced with a decent News content management system? I first tried just using the news feature that comes with vbulletin, but it seems very basic, and I am not familiar with ways to make it better, create templates, etc..
Then I thought about purchasing the Vbulleting Blog tool. But I am not sure will fulfill my needs.
I started considering now Word Press.
I would very much like toget your opinion on this.
In case you want to see my site it's
http://www.snowbrasil.com . It's in portuguese but you can get the idea.
I really appreciate your input.
Thanks so much
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Any suggestions?