Originally Posted by butler312
One suggestion by one of my members was pretty good and I thought I would post it here. He suggested the ability to seed members/teams in tournaments. It would be sweet if for each tournament there was the option to not seed members, seed them according to their place in the ladder (anyone not in the ladder would randomly be seeded at the end), or seed them manually. Players/teams would then be placed in the tournament according to their seed (top seeds playing the lowest seeds or receiving the byes).
I'd like this as well. It should be easy if the "swap user" icon is still available after brackets have been made. That way, you can still customize them once a tournament is in progress.
Also, I have a question about how players are currently seeded: It seems that each person is given a random number out of about 10 million or so. Why is that? Why don't the players just have a random number from 1-32, or whatever the players maximum is for a tourney? I noticed all of the round 2-77 fields in the database use this way to order spots, so why not on the first round as well? I'm no coder, so forgive me if there's a good reason for that.