Originally Posted by Ranger187
Damn, I hate no sleep and working on websites...
In the commands option area. What's the translation...
/ban command: Title of the ban PM
Bannissement de la chatbox MGC Evo <--- English?
/ban command : Content of the sent PM
Cher {1},
Vous avez ?t? bannis de la chatbox pour non respect des r?gles de son utilisation.
L'?quipe du forum <--- English?
/ban command : content of the pm sent in case of fixed duration ban
Cher {1},
Vous ?tes bannis de la chatbox jusqu'au {2} pour non respect des r?gles de son utilisation.
L'?quipe du forum <---English?
None of them are english as these are options and vB doesn't offer support for multilingual options default.
But you just have to change them to your perfect needs.
For example :
Bannissement de la chatbox MGC Evo
Ban for the MGC Evo Chatbox
Cher {1},
Vous avez ?t? bannis de la chatbox pour non respect des r?gles de son utilisation.
L'?quipe du forum
Dear {1},
You have been banned from the chatbox because you haven't followed the rules to use it.
The forum staff
Cher {1},
Vous ?tes bannis de la chatbox jusqu'au {2} pour non respect des r?gles de son utilisation.
L'?quipe du forum
Dear {1},
You are banned from the chatbox till {2} because you haven't followed the rules to use it.
The forum staff