Originally Posted by AN-net
If you visit the website they do have code for allowing youtube embed codes.
Yes I know. The code is also included in the Zoints release package (z/includes/HTMLPurifier/Filter/youtube.php)
Originally Posted by AN-net
If you have PHP 5.x+ you can download the newer branch which has some settings to allow embed and object codes.
I do indeed have PHP 5.x+, but I don't think migrating to HTMLPurifier 3.1.1 from 2.1.5 within Zoints is as simple as downloading . Besides, there's no reason to not be able to include youtube videos using 2.1.5.
This has to be an easy fix. I can't believe you guys would be filtering youtube embed code out of blog entries while allowing it in the 'My Media' block. Other trusted video sites should also be whitelisted.
I was happy to find out that I could embed videos in blog posts with RC3, but now that functionality is gone. People will want this.