Make sure you back up your database first! This cannot be undone! Double check table names if clicking/choosing in a graphical interface!
These are the tables to drop/delete when uninstalling or upgrading. (response was to now missing question above)
From mysql command line interface (CLI), assuming your database is titled "vbulletin", this would be how to do it on the server if you have shell access:
> mysql vbulletin
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_bet_stats;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_blackjack_dealt;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_donatelog;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_games;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_letitride_dealt;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_lotto_draw;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_lotto_tickets;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_sb_bets;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_sb_events;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_sb_groups;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_sb_outcomes;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_settings;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_texasholdem_chatlog;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_texasholdem_dealt;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_texasholdem_whoisin;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE casino_vidpok_dealt;
Query OK, x rows affected (X.XX sec)
If you have a graphical interface to your database, select the table names above and choose "DROP" or "DELETE".
The above does NOT get rid of the "casino_cash" field in CN_user. The new installer overlooks that if it already exists. Otherwise, the solution for that is on most of the pages from the beginning of this thread.