I've been learning php on and off in my spare time. Triggers are whole new ball game for me, but look interesting indeed.
Would the initial trigger for VB to placed in a hook? I'm unsure if your allowed to actually modify any of the VB code or not.
I think you would also have to some kind of check during the login phase as well to add the user to each new games or additional table that comes along.
ie. You start with your VB database and 2 other DB's for 2 games you have going. The user first registered, and triggered each database to add them to DB's 2 and 3.
Now, you added a 3rd game (4th database). So on the login, it would roll through checking each database and insert the user into the 4th database. Another check for duplicate names or ID's would be useful too.
I'm still a rookie coder, but I may play around with the user of triggers this upcoming weekend when I get some extra time.