I too didn't go that far in the directions.. but now I have anew problem.. When i do the edits in the "Members in Flashchat 5 (2)" plugin. I get a white page. I think something may conflicting with the edits I am doing.
I say this because If i don't enable your mod My ads disappear and so does the second nav bar I have. Also paul m's mod disappears.. as soon as I enable your hack the entire forum goes white. this is only after i do the edits... If i dont do the edits all works great just get the blank chat bar on all for other forum pages except the index
I am sorry I don't know what I am doing wrong with the edits.. As i said I think something may be conflicting with it.
Not sure just guessing here.
any ideas.. or do i just suck... I think the later is probably true!!
thanks for your help i really appreciate it