Just to let you know.. I am just your average user, and I have installed EVER version of vbportal with success... day in and day out, we have new problems arise from members.. and not all but a lot of the problems or errors boil down to a semi-small user error, like for images... making sure you have them in the right directory and set correctly in the config files... same for parse errors, and some of the sql database errors.
Now I am not saying that if you have problems it is YOUR FAULT.. but hey everyone makes mistakes. vBportal 2.0.1 was released exactly for vb 2.0.1 and worked well on 2.0.2 as 2.0.3 came out.. it should work.. but by that time 3.0 was in the mill.. ya know.
And yes everyone can have their opinions on the contributing members and how things are handled.. but ya know what.. it boils down to one man's decisions and opinions... yes people can change their mind and everything... but I will tell you that wajones has put in ALOT OF TIME.. and so has his family with this project, and if he wants to delegate who he wants to be contributing members he can do so.
I tried to become a beta tester for Microsoft... and they denied me, cause I did not.. have some kind of education.. when win98 was in beta testing.. so it is an honor or a privaledge to be a contributing member and having access to a beta version. Yes I know it would be nice to say that everyone can get it right now.. and as problems arise they are fixed, but once again in one man's opinion and hell even mine.. doing it the way it is being done is just fine. Of course on that you can say "Well duh you are already on the contributing members list why should you be against it"... well hmm lets see I have a lot of respect for wajones, and whatever he decides to do ... for the most part I will agree. If he takes me out of that list for whatever reason I will not complain one bit.