Originally Posted by Watson
It looks like bots, it sounds like bots, but there are no links!
Its well strange, getting around 5 a week, signing up with mad email addresses and making 1 post, and thats it.
I must admit, 1 of them was quite clever, and it said has anyone seen 'something'
So I did a google search for that word, and then clicked on the top link, and it took me too some software site.
But I just dunno how they are slipping through, and I can't ban them, as some seem like genuine posts, as they are asking for help, or saying hello and complimenting the forum!!
Catch 22
Anyone else getting posts like this?
The above was gthe software one, which when I done a search I did find it on other forums, but others are quite difficult to spot.
I had a problem very similar that I managed to stop by changing the sign process up from a Captha to a question system - after reading previous advice from mods here that Ken/Santai gave me the links to.
(Thanks Ken GFXStyles for the heads up)
Apologies but I do not have the links as email containing/leading to the advice I already deleted