The Rank System is a variation of the Awards System by Hancho, it will work with the Awards Mod 100% as seen in the screenshots (See the admin panel screen shot, the Awards Mod is listed below the Ranks mod!).
- If you have any request for additional screenshots please post and I will post them ASAP.
- If you attempt this in another version and it works correctly please post below that you have it installed and which version you are running it on.
- APPROVED: 10.18.2008 ( uploaded, please see update notice!) Upon approval from our Development Team Leader - If the demand is high, Tournament Gaming World will release pre-made Ranks for gaming sites related to Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4.
- Upon approval from our Development Team Leader - If the demand is high, Tournament Gaming World will release pre-made Awards for gaming sites related to Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4 for use with Yet Another Awards System mod by Hancho.