Originally Posted by webchills
Hi Andrew,
I have renamed consequently the local_links_xxx.php to downloads_xxx.php as set in local_links_init.php
The links are working, but the point is, that noone has permission to view these negative category ids. What permissions are responsible for that?
Without looking in detail at your site (which I'm happy to do if you send me a pm with details and an admin account), I can only guess.
The code that is executed for script?action=find&catid=-NN carries out a check for valid values of NN, using a set of definitions that are pulled in from includes/local_links_include.php. It gives a 'no permission' error in two situations:
- if someone without "can_moderate_links" permission is trying to execute one of the 'moderator' based 'find' commands (which only show up on the menu if you have those permissions in the first place
- if the value NN is not in the valid range
I would suspect that somehow it is the second condition, but I can't see (without checking your site) how that can be.