Its partly fixed. I got impatient and uninstalled this module as per instructions and then also removed MGC Chatbox evo via its intructions and reinstalled both. Hey presto the box appeared. (for people with the same issue: I was also getting a blank white box on the preview screen of VBa CMPS for this module)
I *think* (not sure) I may have deleted some weird files that were still lingering from a previous MGC Chatbox version in the cleanup after this uninstall so that could have been a problem. I used the uninstall instructions for v1.4 of the previous MGC Chatbox to uninstall it .. but I had used at least ibshoutbox and one other chat mod before that so .. there was some debris from one of them left that must have been messing up the "below navbar" area.
Currently the box shows, also doesnt have the "Loading..." issue but when I tpye something in, I get a 404 error on the php file of chatbox. I think there was solution for that somewhere in this thread.. Ill go hunting.
stangger5 Im sorry for my last post sounding a little .. impatient. Its just that often when people who know the software very well post instructions on what to do, they are missing some little important details that are completely obvious for themselves but not to a newbie
