i talked to the hacker.... can someone help
hi guys
i took the e-mail of the hacker from the index he put in mu site
and i chated with him via MSN
i asked him why did you do it
he said for fun
so i said i need you to help me here
he said the way i hacked your site is like this
your host
host monster
is a week host
also he said
that he knew my DB by using
he said it gave him everything about the DB
he also told me to do the following
he said use
Zend safeguard to protect your config file
he also told me to change the config file to an image
i know the zend way but how can i change the config to an image
also he mentioned something about giving the forum folder CHMD 1111
you guys for sure know better than i do
do you think he is telling the truth
i told him that i have a domy config file and i am using an alternative one with a diff name
he told me he know about it
i am waiting for your replies