I downloaded 2.01 last week, and have nothing but problems with it, images don?t show, the config file seems not to be passing the url's - paths to the scripts. When you right click an image, properties etc. you get the path it is looking at: all the images are there. The top buttons at first worked, now they don't.
As for the vBPortals site I have been as regular visitor over the last week and BradC gave me a load of helpful advice but as a newbie the one glaring issue on that board is that of the contributing members status.
Why in the world would we want to release something that is buggy? and then get all the bitching and complaining about the bugs.
Well that?s what Alpha and beta releases are all about, scripts that are buggy, I think readers should look at the criteria for contributing members; The shorthand version is to my mind this:
- You must visit my board often.
- You must help others on the board
- You must help in finding errors in my code
- You can send me a donation.
The first three are fine; it?s a joint effort by the contributing members (right) however the last option that short-circuits the first three ways into the download area, simply blows the whole approach out of the water.
I am sure there are many members of this forum with the skills to debug, suggest, and help design etc. a truly unique portal, but ? they are not contributing members. If Microsoft adopted this approach with it?s OS?s we would still be using Win 3,11 for workgroups - Win 95 is coming soon (Honest)
Just my view, no malice intended, many eagerly await the LITE version and I wish you luck but if you REALLY want members to contribute - then let them - without the carrot on the stick approach.