Originally Posted by crkgb
It iframes the entire page as I see. Is there a way to display just a map?
I could reproduce this situation here. It gave me the intire page if I use a link that comes for the first page when you open googlemaps, like your country. If you get a close up one it gave me only the map.
Originally Posted by skcyber
hey guys, I got a problem using this wonderful code..
when I paste the html code (iframe...)
I have this message in the post :
Your client does not have permission to get URL /maps?f=q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=tour+eiffel+%20%20paris& ie=UTF8&ll=48.858072,2.294859&sp%20%20n=0.006295,0 .006295&output=embed&s=AARTsJr%20%20CvdyoV0AZQw6_B VqD495b8b0qyA from this server. (Client IP address:
I've got the same here. I don't know why but If use a code from anyplace in US it works fine but anything from out side like my country, it gives me the same error.
Any idea what could it be ?
If this problem can be solved this will be one of the best BBCode ever.