Originally Posted by ReCom
Upgrading from 0.4 (working) to 1.0.0, I got the infamous eternal "Loading ..." issue for the chatbox that appears on vBadvanced page. After tinkering with codes here and there, I successfully fixed the issue. What I did was, in plugin "Global variables of the chatbox", add line
$forumpath = $vbulletin->options['bburl'];
After line
Can the mod coder add this fix into next version?
I am sorry but that bit of code works for some but won't work for others.
I am saying that because this variable is used in the chatbox code to get the path to javascript files. And using the bburl option variable would lead to a path to javascript files using http//... which is recognize by some browsers as a security concern and stop the chatbox.
Originally Posted by Angel-Wings
Hmmm - may be a weird question but I would like to have the inner table where the shouts are display - the one with:
menu image arrow : date : time : username : chat
would like to make it transparent. I just can guess there's some global VB style used for table / tr / td / tbody or something else - would just like to overwrite it local by appending something like:
... style="background: none;" ...
Just - may someone point me please to the right line where I could add this ?
Thank you in advance
You have to edit the mgc_cb_evo table, chats are in the div with id chats.
Originally Posted by pedroenf
Well i have another bug that i think it is not identified. After i delete one or more chats, after refresh (auto) chatbox shows a previous chat. Here two examples of what i'm talking about :
Normal image before delete
After delete
This after just one delete. If more chats are deleted more previous chats appear. Things go normal only after a entire page refresh.
Thanks for reporting that issue. I have fixed it in the upcoming release.