Version Updates:
10/19/2008 - Updated to version 0.0.2, Optional BB Code in Install.txt IF you want to approve ranks by a simple click! this must be setup via the options with correct thread ID's etc. After setup when a member request an award it post the request to a new thread (the one you specified) and then simply click the Approve link to do so. The post will then be "soft deleted" and as for the user, check their profile

General Updates:
10/21/2008 - Updated rank.php which is located in admincp folder. Please Download "" and install in your admincp folder - without it you will receive a DB error in your admincp which will not allow you to remove a previous rank. Once you have updated, you can remove the previous ranks with success! Sorry for the coding error and thanks for using YARS!
Template Change Updates:
10/25/2008 - Updated w/ alternate code for postbit for a different display option!
In the screenshot provided, the normal way to display can be the Rank along w/ a border and title saying "Ranks Showcase" now if you want to display as just the image w/o a border as seen in the darker style screenshot - When you edit template "postbit" do not follow the normal instructions, follow these! (Or simply remove the old code version and follow info below!
<if condition="$show['avatar']"><td class="alt2"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="$post[avatarurl]" $post[avwidth] $post[avheight] alt="<phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /></a></td></if>
Add Below:
<!-- show ranks -->
<if condition="$post[showuserranks]">
<!-- <fieldset><legend><a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]#rank" title="$vbphrase[more_ranks]">$vbphrase[rank_showcase]</a></legend> -->
<td class="alt2">
<!-- <br> -->
<!-- <a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]#rank" title="$vbphrase[more_ranks]">$vbphrase[total_ranks]</a>: $post[num_ranks] -->
<!-- </fieldset> -->
<!-- /show ranks -->