The REASON it has not yet be released is simply because of some of the bugs that are still in the script itself.
Why in the world would we want to release something that is buggy? and then get all the +++++ing and complaining about the bugs.
I agree it should be released, but to safe time and support.. don't ya want us to get the bugs out?
So right now.. wajones, and all the contributing members (beta testers) and making sure it works... a lot of the members are using different hosts.. some using IIS, some using Linux... all different, so we have a broad range of installations... now.. we have to make sure all the problems and bugs are gone.
I do this too.. I have a lot of script half done, and some are done.. but until I am done testing them I am not going to release them, because I don't want to spend countless hours doing support.
But ya... go over to phpportals and support us. To do some basic testing and bug finding.. come to the site register, and hunt and peck around the whole site looking for stuff that does not seem to be working... or is working but a little haywired...
There is a light version out... I don't know if it is for download yet.. but it is close. I do believe.