I am working on a server side spider to find hacked files and I would really be interested in working with you on this if you are game.
First, go into your server and look for an .htaccess file and make sure they didn't drop something in there. Often that is how they do this and it could be an easy fix to make it stop.
Next, go into your FTP program and look at the date/time that your files were changed. It is possible that they did not change all of your files. The files that were changed should be copied somewhere where they can be looked at later to try to help identify the culprate and perhaps learn how to identify their work in the future.
Then, you should replace all of the files that were modified with safe versions. I hope you have backups as otherwise this can be a painful experience. From there, let's hope that your site works but if not you may need to get more help.
If you find modified files, send me a PM and I will give you some clues on what I could use to bulk my hacker detector script I have started.
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I also find it strange when you look atthe source for the code I get this:
PHP Code:
<!-- saved from url=(0026)http://woot.king-nerd.com/ -->
The site itself is just a front...