Originally Posted by PossumX
Great idea, however, it does not recognize members that have chosen to not receive admin email, which is a MAJOR problem from an Anti-Spam perspective.
This is basic 101 for any mass email that you MUST honor the choice to receive or not receive admin emails, and this mod violates that.
PossumX Uninstalls immediately.
Spent 2+ hours MANUALLY reviewing and editing 250+ returned emails, of which 237 had already been marked as no admin email from prior returns. Waste of my time and effort to have to do this.
Like I said, great mod idea, but without this recognition in vB, it ain't ready for prime time, lite or paid version.
Yup, I found this too when I lloked at it again,this on top of the fact that it totally ignores forum permissions (post 100) and sends out the content of your private and/or admin forums is a big problem.