Can anyway make a addon so that user can put in there profile there xray anti cheat info
On there website there is a php code that they give you but as i am no coder maybe some one can do somethink with it
This is the php code on there website ( ) (more info can be found on that site as well if needed)
// Grab the link to a user's XAC Screenshot profile
$guid = 'GUID GOES HERE'
$xacprofile = "User has never used X-ray Anti-Cheat";
if (strlen($guid) == 40)
$xacurl = file_get_contents("" . $guid);
if (strlen($xacurl) > 0 and $xacurl != "NONE")
$xacprofile = "<a href=\"" . $xacurl . "\">Click here to view</a>";