Originally Posted by Loco.M
the current setup is just fine 
do a google search for "paid vbulletin mods" if your looking for the paid supported mods 
I already use paid mods, and I personally prefer paid mods over non-paid vbulletin mods.
However the chip-in is for different aproach from developers. It is not really business plan, it is just to make things happen.
And having it at vb.org is more effective then build them somewhere else.
Plus not every mod developer is seeking to make biznis out of the mod and go throug marketing hassles.
They just needs to be compensated for their dedication to mods...
--------------- Added [DATE]1223924406[/DATE] at [TIME]1223924406[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
The resources needed to implement such a suggestion are extreme: when money becomes involved into the function of the site, we're talking about more than just a site run by volunteers, especially the legalities that would have to be worked out and moderated throughout.
I'm getting a migraine just thinking about it 
So, lets figure this out in easy way. I have suggested
www.chipin.com. They have most of what is needed...