I cant give you a screen cap as I have disabled the ajax tab from my live forum, to prove to myself that that was the issue with the new blog, which it was.
I will describe the best I can,...
...using the old 1.0 blog on a vb3.7.3 pl1 forum
Everything works as expected.
Lets say I have a ajax forum tab titled "forum tab title"..
(note that if more than one forum tab is setup as mine was, the last tab in the list was the one that gave the issue, and disabling that tab in admin acp, means the new last tab displayed would give the issue)
Last night I installed the new VB Blog 2.0 Beta 3 version, and proceeded to test it out.
I noted that whenever on any of my members blog I click the "Post a Comment" link on a blog, of course it takes me to the Post a Comment form page.
On the post a comment form page, there is the "Title" box, where you would enter a title to your comment if you wished. The problem is that the new blog must use the same variable that the ajax tab hack uses for the title, because the last-in-line ajax tab title now shows up "forum tab title" in the blog post-a-comment title input box.
The same issue also replicates itself on the Blog Advanced Search page, as the search term will now have the last-in-line ajax tab title "forum tab title" automatically inserted into the search term field "Blog Title Contains:".
Disabling the ajax tab add-on removes this problem, and the blog scripts function properly from that point.
I am sorry I will not give a screen cap to see it, but I hope my description gives enough to understand what is happenning.