Originally Posted by AThomas
I installed this and love it, but, when I made my logo, I added ( <!-- /logo -->
<img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="" style="opacity:0.9
;filter:alpha(opacity=30)" /> ) to make it transparent like the skin( just try different numbers(:.08 or :07 until you get what you want. And desktops make a great backround, Great style, thanks
Can the opaqueness of the whole skin be set in the style manager? Or is the idea to manually make a background image more transparent? People on my board are complaining of difficulty in reading the forum, even though the background image is a pale blue sky image, so I'm looking for pointers on cutting back on the transparency a bit. I used ade_dnb's "Transparencity +" skin from post #76, by the way.
In the style manager I see this file is the apparent background, so I wonder if I need to render a new image file with less transparency? "images/trans/gradients/gradient_tcat3.png"